Ten Reasons and More to Use the NGS Conference App
Have you downloaded the NGS Conference App? To download the free NGS Conference App, go to
http://conference.ngsgenealogy.org/attend/mobile-app/. New this year is a five-minute video that reviews highlights of the app and explains how to use the key features. The video can be found on the NGS conference website at
http://conference.ngsgenealogy.org/attend/mobile-app/, then click on the App Video Tutorial.
The NGS Conference App is available for iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, and web-enabled devices. Search your mobile app store for NGS 2014.
Here are the TOP TEN REASONS to download the app.
The Dashboard has everything you need at your fingertips.
Under the sessions tab you can browse by Track or Day. Follow the arrow to the right and you will find all the details about the lecture.
Click on the Resources tab for the specific lecture and you’ll see a blue handout drop down. Click one more time to DOWNLOAD THE SYLLABUS PAGES for that lecture which is NEW this year.
If you click on the Action tab for each lecture you can add the event to your calendar.
The floor plans of both the Greater Richmond Convention Center (GRCC) and the Marriott Hotel are available under Maps. Also under Maps is the floor plan for the Exhibit Hall.
Under Exhibitors you will find the alphabetical list of the Exhibitors.
Behind the Show Documents tab you’ll find a copy of the program with the DAILY SCHEDULE IN A LARGER FONT this year, spread over eight pages instead of just four.
Also behind Show Documents is the daily Shuttle Schedule to the four area conference hotels: Omni, Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn Express, and DoubleTree.
Behind the News tab are the most recent blog posts which you can browse quickly by topic.
The built-in Twitter feed allows you to follow and join in on the conference chatter.
The Twitter hashtag is #NGS2014GEN.
You can also follow NGS on Facebook.
Sync your schedule across multiple devices. I plan to use my iPad to follow the lectures in the downloaded Syllabus pages. Then my phone is available for calls and to check emails. If one device runs out of power, I'll still have access to everything on the other device.
Connect, message, and share schedules with your colleagues through the Friends feature.
As you finish a lecture, don’t forget to rate the session by using the Action tab.
If you are counting you have just read 14 Top Reasons to use the NGS Conference App. I just couldn’t stop at ten. We encourage you to begin using the app now so you can improve your conference experience in Richmond.
A couple of additional tips.
If you have been using the printed Registration Brochure to plan which sessions you want to attend, please be advised that when we added two days of Live Streaming on the program, we moved a couple of lectures to different time slots. So please review the daily lecture schedule before the conference begins.
If you look at the sessions by day, at first glance you may notice the time headings on the left just list the hour. Some lectures begin on the half-hour, so look at the time under each individual session for the correct time.
Also this year we wanted to include a notation on the app as to which lectures were being recorded and could be purchased on CD Rom from JAMB. We have put an (R) before the session number on all recorded lectures. So on the sessions by day, the lectures not being recorded are at the bottom of the list in each session time slot. If you follow the right arrow to the session details and click on the Action tab, you will have a page to take notes on that lecture.
What are you waiting for?
Are You Using the Conference App?